More cloud projects coming!

Mentioned on today’s Project Proposal 101 session, here are three projects coming in the next week:

  1. Close the gap of s390x packages in packagehub (including Kubernetes)
  2. Document to deploy Kubernetes cluster on Z leveraging SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  3. Validate/test Cloud Foundry on Z

Feel free to ask questions and @mfriesenegger can help answer. And you can apply for the summer internship program at


The project details are now live!

Here’s one more!

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Hi jmertic,

My name is Sofia Enriquez and I am a systems engineering student at the National Technological University of Argentina, in Buenos Aires.

I wonder If I can I apply for both 2 and 3 projects in my proposal? In case one of them already have an intern selected? This is possible in Google summer of code and Outreachy, where you can postulate for more than one project.

Best Regards,