LXC next steps
Going over more detail on the new open source project? https://github.com/mfcloud/python-zvm-sdk
Meeting recording - https://ibm.box.com/s/4e43fsouqxxqsyfvg1d7ciwhu87hkups
Len - Vicom Infinity
Mike F - SUSE
Greg - IBM
Rahmira - NCAT
Mike M - ADP
Mike F - SUSE
Paul - IBM
Paul will run the meeting next week, thanks Paul!
Still looking for volunteers to help with the LXC work.
Went over the structure of the open source python sdk library https://github.com/mfcloud/python-zvm-sdk and doc http://cloudlib4zvm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html. Mike M. asked if there was a “getting started” guide for it yet. Emily is checking on that.
Still looking for a volunteer to be a new project maintainer. Len asked if it could be a student. Yes, it could, if the student had a mentor.