VS code unable to get the Data Sets in the connection guide

unable to get the Data Sets in the connection guide


I use my email an passwod fo the IBM trining site but it doesnt work
Any help will be appreciated

I experienced a similar problem. Below is the steps to replicate:

  1. Perform Lab 1. Setting up VSCode and Extensions.
  2. Perform Lab 2. Connecting to the Mainframe.
  3. While performing step# 12 of the “Lab 2. Connecting to the Mainframe”, I got this error: “Invalid credential for profile 'LearnCOBOL.zosmf. Please ensure the username and password are valid or this may lead to a lock-out.”

The issue was resolved by disabling the following VSCode setting:
Zowe> Security: Secure Credentials Enabled

You can see details here: https://ibmzxplore.influitive.com/forum/t/stuck-on-lab-1-guide/10362

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I’m running into this problem now. It’s funny because my install has been working fine up until last night. Tried this fix but no luck. I thought I saw that these Zxxxxx account passwords have to be updated? Could that be the problem?