I remembered having seen a talk at the vintage computing festival in berlin about two years ago that may be relevant for those starting to get into all of this: running your own mainframe on Linux for fun and profit by Jeroen Baten. Decided to share it here, as it was recorded and uploaded. (please delete if sharing external resources violates any policies of this board)
Nice nick, @lispbian — I’m a wannabe clojurist myself, although I’m enjoying the ruby/rails work I’m currently separated from.
Thanks for the link to the talk. Will be watching it tonight … if the kids get to bed, that is!
Watched it this morning. It was helpful for a n00b like me. A good survey of the acronyms and a live demo. And an intro to a lively community.
The presenter makes very clear that he’s not knowledgeable in mainframe systems per se, but he knows (had learned) enough to get MVS running in hercules
and to run a simple app.
Nice work.
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