Mainframe Remote COBOL CICS Developer

  • Name: Shyam V
  • COBOL Experience: (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert)Expert
  • Location: (City, State, Country)Bengaluru, KA, India
  • Availability: (Part-time, Full-time)Full-time
  • Availability Type: (Volunteer, Available to Hire)Available to Hire
  • Link to LinkedIn profile (or other relevant job experience information): Shyam V | LinkedIn

I have +30 years in c++ and a bunch of other technology/languages… are y’all really looking for ‘beginners’ ? Should I go grab a cobol book?

Hi, My name is Manuel González Blanco.
I’m a 41 y.o. Mainframe developer from Spain.
I worked in several clients like BBVA and Santander Bank. I’m used to work with classic Z/OS (ISPF,TSO,CICS) and Zowe.
I’m open to work as Remote COBOL Developer.
Interested, please, contact me.