Looking for COBOL Programmers for remote work

  • Name:
  • COBOL Experience: (Intermediate, Expert)
  • Location: (City, State, Country)
  • Availability: ( Full-time)
  • Availability Type: (Contract, Available to Hire)
  • Link to LinkedIn profile (or other relevant job experience information):

Hello Bob,
My name is Richard Tran, are you looking for COBOL Programmers for remote work? Please, let me know the job description. Here is my email.



Hi Bob,
If you are still on the lookout to hire someone I would be intrested, as I am an experienced COBOL freelancer.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson.56782@gmail.com
Cheers and Have a great day ahead,


  • Name: Dylson Valente Filho
  • COBOL Experience: (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert) Expert
  • Location: (City, State, Country) Rio de Janaeiro. RJ, Brazil
  • Availability: (Part-time, Full-time) Full-time
  • Availability Type: (Volunteer, Available to Hire) ** Available to Hire**
  • Link to LinkedIn profile (or other relevant job experience information): https://www.linkedin.com/in/dylson-valente-filho-7b243726/

Tanks for your visit, I´m waiting an opportunity to get a job.


Soy programadora COBOL, he desarrollado sistemas completos a medida para empresas privadas como independiente.
Soy de Argentina, Pcia de Córdoba, localidad Devoto.
Mi disponibilidad en éstos momentos es de medio tiempo.
Mi contacto evangelinabarraud@yahoo.com.ar
cel. +54 9 3564 660657


• Name: João Caetano de Oliveira
• COBOL Experience: (Beginner, Intermediate, Specialist) Specialist
• Location: (City, State, Country) Joinville / SC, Brazil
• Availability: (Part time, full time) Full time
• Availability Type: (Volunteer, Available to Hire) Available to Hire and also available to volunteer
• Experience:

  • I have over 30 years of IT experience (Years 1972 to 2002) using mainframe ibm technologies such as COBOL, JCL, VSAM, Natural, IMS DB / DC and DB2. I also programmed on Burroughs 4700 and 6700 computers
    • Worked in all software development lifecycles. This includes application analysis, design, development, testing and maintenance.
  • I have had various roles and responsibilities, from being a developer to managing teams.
    • I’m looking to get back into the IT industry again and want to take on any roles and responsibilities.
  • Worked in various fields such as Banking, Retail, Health, Oil, Insurance, Manufacturing.
    I left the IT area to act as CEO of industries.
    • Currently working with web businesses doing freelance work in Digital Marketing.
  • Other previous experience: Economist, Speaker, CEO of auto parts industries.
  • I am willing to work anywhere and also ready to work online.
    Contact: jcaetanodeoliveira@gmail.com

Hello BOB
I am a cobol programmer .Have 30 years experience in Cobol and IDMS. I want to volunteer for any work in COBOl. I have retired now and am residing in Denver Colorado

My resume is attached below.

(Attachment New resume Geetha.pages is missing)

(Attachment Geetha latest resume.docx is missing)


I a looking for remote work in COBOL, I am a Canadian citizen. Please email me at seasaltsundaysuzy@gmail.com

  • Name:Jose Alvarez Tejeda
  • COBOL Experience: Expert
  • Location: Mexico DF
  • Availability: Full time
  • Availability Type: Available to Hire
  • Link to LinkedIn profile (or other relevant job experience information):

Hi Bob,

May I ask if you are still looking for COBOL programmers who can work remotely? I am Danjohn Ramos from the Philippines. I worked in the Mainframe IT industry for 9 years in Singapore and the Philippines for companies such as Accenture, IBM, and Jobline Resources. I am available to work for a Part-time or Full-time role with a 1-week notice. Kindly see the links below for other details.

LinkedIn profile: Danjohn Ramos | LinkedIn
CV: Resume_Danjohn Ramos_Application Developer.pdf - Google Drive

Thanks and regards,
Danjohn Ramos

Also, a lot of experience with Java, C/C++, Unix/Linux, SQL, SW Design, UML.
I want to come back to mainframe SW development where I started my career.