Configuring instance & certificates on ZD&T

  1. Certificates

When creating certificates on ZD&T systems (or other domains where HOSTNAME does not resolve to the external IP address), you should specify these values in
zowe-setup-certificates.env :

HOSTNAME=S0W1.YOURSYS.IBM.COM (result of “hostname -r” ; must be alphabetic)
IPADDRESS= (its real, external IP address)

before you run

Explanation: When the script cannot determine the hostname or the external IP address, it will ask you to enter the IP address manually during the dialog. If you have not specified a value for HOSTNAME in zowe-setup-certificates.env , then the script will use the given IP address as the hostname. This will fail to create a certificate, because certificates cannot have a numeric hostname.

  1. Zowe Instance

When creating an instance on ZD&T systems (or other domains where HOSTNAME does not resolve to the external IP address), you should specify these values in
instance.env :

ZOWE_EXPLORER_HOST= (its real, external IP address)
ZOWE_IP_ADDRESS= (its real, external IP address)

before you run


When the script cannot determine the hostname or the external IP address, it will ask you to enter the IP address manually during the dialog. If you have not specified a value for ZOWE_EXPLORER_HOST in instance.env, then the script will use the given IP address as the hostname from v1.12 onward. In earlier releases, it will exit with an error message.

When creates its configuration files, ZOWE_EXPLORER_HOST is used in the external URLs. If your DNS does not resolve these to real IP addresses at runtime, the HTTP requests will fail. Therefore you should use the real IP address as ZOWE_EXPLORER_HOST .