Hello am a CS Masters student at Columbia. Have significant experience in C, C++, Java, PHP, SQL, javscript, etc. At a certain point, you understand that learning a new language is not a large undertaking, just a matter of practice.
If there is a need, I am willing and able to start learning this language. I will not put in the up-front work unless it is financially compensated. This is not a language I would learn on my own for fun (I think that goes without saying).
Therefore, if it can be arranged to assign increasingly challenging projects that are substantial and actually needed, I can learn as I go. If interested, send an email to ac4409@columbia.edu. Thanks!
Since you are clearly not able to code COBOL in a time-sensitive situation your time is not worth paying for. It’s not even worth taking on as a volunteer. Your offer is at best quixotic.
24 yrs old. Got paid to learn Cobol and it’s not easy/fun, horrible language. You have to pay really really good money if you want someone to suffer that way for a non-creative non-modern non-documented non-sensitive programming language with the worst graphic possible. You can recycle yourself only in the banks after, so even bad career prospect.