COBOL Programmer From the Past, Willing to Dive Back in

  • Name: Erik O’Brien
  • COBOL Experience: (Intermediate, but probably beginner until I get back in the groove)
  • Location: (Phoenix, AZ, USA)
  • Availability: (Part-time, but possibly full time)
  • Availability Type: (Volunteer, Available to Hire - either)
  • Link to LinkedIn profile (or other relevant job experience information): COBOL, JCL, IMS. Don’t have LinkedIn…I’m one of those “anti-social media” people. Hired by one of the the top 3 largest insurance companies in the country back in 1998 when their was a huge push to get people in for Y2k. Started as trainee, ended as Level 3 Programmer/Analyst 10 years later when I left to pursue other interests in a different state. Have not done any COBOL programming since then but I have maintained programming skills with other languages involved in web development and scripting used in system administration.